The conspiracy of spring
The conspiracy of spring
THE CONSPIRACY OF SPRING is a fast-paced, touching and life-affirming performance asking the question: What do we do with the time we are given? “The Conspiracy of Spring” is an abstract performance about us wanting to live forever – a race against time, gravity and death and at the same time a huge tribute to Life.
The physical expression in the performance is a mix of modern dance, stunt, martial arts tricking, poetry and live music. Martial arts tricking is a new worldwide phenomenon which mixes techniques from capoeria, taekwondo, parcour, carate, breakdance a.o.
In “The Conspiracy of Spring” Mute Comp. Physical Theatre explores death as tabu in our society, what it means to fight for and maintain youth, the drive, fearlessness and determination of adrenaline junkies within the extreme sports and takes a closer look at what modern man does to really feel alive in his futile race against time.
Choreographer Kasper Ravnhøj´s own deep fear of death and immense joy of life is a driving force in “The Conspiracy of Spring”. Kasper Ravnhøj says:
I’m scared of dying or perhaps more not-to-live, of not achieving everything I want to achieve, and of missing out on everything… Life’s too short! The fact that death is inevitable is extremely harsh! I guess that’s why so many of us don´t really have the energy to talk about death. We prefer not to deal with it.
In “the Conspiracy of Spring” we challenge ourselves and the audience to indulge in the fact that life is an ending story. If we acknowledged death maybe we would appreciate life a bit more. Maybe we would start focusing on what we do and what we want to achieve while we are actually here – in life.The performance is inspired by the book “The Top Five Regrets of the Dying” by author Bronnie Wares and not least the famous poem “Do not go gentle into that good night” (1951) by the walisian writer and poet DYLAN THOMAS (1914-1953).
First part of Trilogy on life, death, spirituality and religious feeling
Throughout 2013, ’14 and ’15, Kasper Ravnhøj is producing three performances that each focus on life, death, spirituality and religious feeling.
THE CONSPIRACY OF SPRING 2013 is the first performance in this series and examines what it means to be alive, to test life’s limits and to explore feelings of immortality, in particular from the perspective of youth.
With PLUM WINE, HIGHWAY, LEMON in 2014, Mute Comp. Physical Theatre engages with the ineffable question What happens after we die? and interprets those myriad descriptions of the afterlife which can be found in religions, myths and stories of near-death experiences.
The journey through the themes of existence, the soul, spirituality and religious expression concludes with MOST TRUTHS ARE SO NAKED in 2015, which focuses on cults, sects and the consequences that arise when people find themselves in these manifestations of religious community.
Atypical cast
In “The Conspiracy of Spring” we are pleased to present:
The stunt- and martial arts tricking performers Andreas ”ANDY LONG” Nguyen (permanent member of JACKIE CHAN’S stunt team) and HANNES PASTOR, the modern dancers STINA MALMGREN, RAPHAËL FERDINAND EDER KASTLING and multi-instrumentalist HENRIETTE GROTH.
Henriette Groth has a.o. composed the music for Theatre Republique’s Fibonacci project with the world-famous circus phenomenon “Les 7 doigts de la Main”.Henriette Groth composes and performs the music live in “The Conspiracy of Spring”.
With ‘The Conspiracy of Spring’ it is the first time ever that choreographer Kasper Ravnhøj does not appear on stage himself in a Mute Comp-production.
The Conspiracy of Spring is supported by Statens Kunstråds Scene-kunstudvalg, Statens Kunstfond, Augustinus Fonden, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden, Danmarks Nationalbanks Jubilæumsfond, Dansk Artist Forbund, KODA-DRAMATIK and Bikubenfonden.
CONCEPT AND CHOREOGRAPHY: Mute Comp. Physical Theatre / Kasper Ravnhøj in cooperation with the cast. // DANCERS AND PERFORMERS: Andy Long (DE), Hannes Pastor (DE), Stina Malmgren (S) and Raphaël Ferdinand Eder Kastling (S). // COMPOSITION AND LIVE MUSIC: Henriette Groth. // SET DESIGN: Johan Kølkjær. // COSTUMES: Johan Kølkjær and Sophie Bellin Hansen. // LIGHT DESIGN: Michael Breiner. // SOUND CONSULTANCE: Jonas Jørgensen. // DRAMATURGE: Anne Hübertz Brekne. // OPERATOR LIGHT/SOUND: Jeppe Volkmann. // PROJECT- AND PRODUCTION LEADERS: Mette Hornbek. // ADMINISTRATION AND PR: Ulla Katrine Friis. // PR ASSISTANCE: Merete Sørensen. // TRAILER AND PR PHOTO: Jacob Stage
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