The strangeness of human behaviour
What if we commit a sin, an irreparable mistake leading to an endless fall? What becomes of a human being oppressed by guilt, left with nothing but regret in life? And what does it take to rise again?
POST SECRET is another curious and extraordinary performance by Mute Comp, delving into the peculiarities of human behavior and the shadowy facets of our existence. The show features some of the most outstanding and extraordinary dancers and performers.
Outstanding and extraordinary dancers and performers
From the Russian republic of Tuva, Mute Comp. has engaged one of the most accomplished female musicians and throat singers: Choduraa Tumat. Tumat is the artistic director of the female ensemble ”Tyva Kyzy”/ DAUGTHERS OF TUVA. The ensemble is the first and only ensemble from the republic of Tuva which performs abroad presenting Tuvinian throat- and overtone songs.
POST SECRET was supported by Kunstrådets Scenekunstudvalg, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden, Augustinus Fonden, BIKUBENFONDEN and Carlsbergs Mindelegat
CONCEPT: Kasper Ravnhøj. // CHOREOGRAPHY: Kasper Ravnhøj in cooperation with the dancers. // CO-CHOREOGRPHER: Louise Hyun Dahl// DANCE: Kasper Ravnhøj, Tiziana Fracchiolla and Thomas Bentin. // SONG/PERFORMANCE: Choduraa Tumat. // SET DESIGN: Johan Kølkjær. // LIGHT DESIGN: Michael Breiner. // SOUND DESIGN: Jonas Jørgensen. //VIDEO: Jacob Stage// DRAMATURGE: Anne Hübertz Brekne. // ADMINISTRATION AND PR: Ulla Katrine Friis