The opposite of blood
The Storm trilogy
“An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand,
which the wind stirs up at will.”
– Gustave Le Bon
Following the succes of the internationally acclaimed “Illegal Trilogy” MuteComp Physical Theatre presents a new raw trilogywhich cuts mercilessly to the bone, blood and dust of the human condition, to the persistent drone of live music performance and bodies on the move:
The concept of the Storm Trilogy:
”The opposite of blood”, ”The only way out is Through” and ”O”.
Each a self-contained performance experimenting with it’s own unique narrative and language of form – the three performances remain thematically and dramatugically linked and intertwined,playing out within the same scenographic setting and performancespace, comprised of plants trees, dust, mud (and a 2m wind machine) inside a huge greenhouse in an unspecified, unknownlocation. The scenography transforms across performances, urgedon by the keening, rush of live music, as the inner struggles of different life trajectories draw consequential lines through shiftingsands – beckoning, whipping up and being swallowed by the furyof the storm, accumulating significance through time, sweat and blood: A raw, performative laboratory of the real.
Thus, the storm trilogy wedges itself into the cracks between the mass and the individual on a quest for freedom and balance at the very eye of the hurricane.
Set design in a greenhouse
We purchased and assembled a used tunnel greenhouse measuring 14m x 9.30m,
Inside the greenhouse, the audience was seated facing each other on a structure we created from recycled marble material. In the middle of the stage, we spread 5 tons of recycled soil collected from various recycling stations. We adorned the stage with walls of elephant grass, Jacqueline Hillers, yarn trees, evergreen thuja pine trees, Fagus sylvatica beech hedges, and the beautiful pink Japanese maple and Acer palmatum. We also placed large stepping stones, moss, and a small stream in the soil to create a special atmosphere and visual aesthetic. All plant materials were designed and carefully selected by the rose gardener, author, and artist Torben Thim, as well as the set designer, visual artist: Kiss Lavin.
CONCEPT AND CHOREOGRAPHY: Mute Comp. Physical Theatre / Kasper Ravnhøj in cooperation with the cast. // DANCERS AND PERFORMERS: Hyeajin Lee, Armin Hokmi, Sanghun Lee// LIVE MUSIC: Konstantinos Vasileiadis & Marianna// SET DESIGN/CONCEPT: Kiss Lavin. // COSTUMES: Kiss Lavin// LIGHT DESIGN: The Sunset // // DRAMATURGE/CONCEPT: Klaus Hildebrandt Frederiksen. // ADMINISTRATION AND PR: Kiss Lavin Sydhavns Teatret // PRODUCTION LEADER/ Sparring: Jonas Borgensgaard // PRODUTION: Kasper Ravnhøj, Klaus Hildebrandt Frederiksen, Kiss Lavin and Nuno Nato// PRESS PHOTOS: Kiss Lavin and Rucěna Sokol // VIDEO: Jesper Tønnes
Supportet by
Danish Art Foundation, Co prodution with
Sydhavns teatret and Karenmindes Culturehouse
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